1 May 2022, Sunday 星期日, 20:30-22:00
裝備信徒, 傳承門徒訓練 (呂元信)
2 May 2022, Monday 星期一
論壇 Forum (一), 15:30 - 17:00
⾨徒訓練的演進過程 - 釐清真正的聖經教導?
論壇 Forum (二), 20:30 - 22:00
3 May 2022, Tuesday 星期二, 20:30-22:00
門徒訓練進入最佳狀態 - 完全委身 (林正財)
順應不同處境是今天的主題,過去這三年,神給予我有一個新的異象和侍奉焦點,就是去裝備門徒,讓門徒訓練能夠傳承延續,繁殖多代的門徒成「為門徒訓練者」... ... Read on
2021門徒訓練大會 - 大會信息 Plenary sessions
• 在困境中的⾨徒⽣活 — 紥根:被揀選去宣揚神的美德 Discipleship in Difficult Times – Rooted: Chosen to Proclaim God’s Excellency
• 在困境中的⾨徒⽣活 — 復興:被揀選去無條件地愛 Discipleship in Difficult Times – Revitalise: Chosen to Love Unconditionally
• 末世中的⾨徒訓練 – 這時代的需要 Disciple Training in the End Times – the Need of the Hour
2021門徒訓練大會 - 工作坊 Workshops
• 「放你的孩子走」: 如何預備兒女長大後離開父母? "Let your children go": how to prepare for your children leaving parents as an adult?
• 居危思安 – 信徒如何在危難中保持守護心理健康 The Disciple’s Mental Wellness Under the Pandemic and Political Environment
• 傳染病大流行與末世預言的關係 How does the pandemic relate to the end time prophecy?
• 進心門訓 The Heart Matters: Disciple Making From The Inside Out
Announcement video for May HK Conference, 2019.
Post conference interviews, 1st May, 2019
Lectures from the Discipleship Conference 門徒訓練大會 May 2019
門徒、職場、聖經 Discipleship in the Market Place
講者: 林正財醫生( Dr. C. C. Lam)
一生作門徒訓練的實踐、挑戰和祝福 A Life Time of Disciple Making - Practice, Challenges and Blessings
講者: 汪學寧先生 (Mr. Hok-ning Wong)
偉人也可以失腳(所羅門王的一生之啟示) How Even the Mighty Can Fall (From Life of Solomon)
講者: 王康義牧師 (Rev. Mavin Wong)
舊約如何幫助我們了解新約聖經 How Old Testament Helps Understand New Testament
講者: Dr. Seth Postell
靜觀冥想可否引導我們進入基督的心思意念? Will Mindfulness Lead Us to a Mind of Christ?
講者: 王康義牧師 (Rev. Mavin Wong)
如何進深研讀聖經 How to Go Deep in Bible Study
講者: Dr. Seth Postell
Lesson 1 Key Thought
Lesson 2 Flow of Logical Relationships
Lesson 3 Summary and Key Verse
Lesson 4 Seek to Know the Meaning of Words
Lesson 5 Meditation
Lesson 6 Observations
Lesson 7 Application
Lesson 8 Putting it All Together
Lesson 9 Outline, Title and Key Centre
Lesson 10 Charting
「聖經 • 展覽 • 歷史」是一些教會聖經展覽的文章,讀者可以從中明白一些聖經在中國的一點歷史。
聖經 • 展覽 • 歷史 • 神的掌權 (上)
聖經 • 展覽 • 歷史 • 神的掌權 (中)
聖經 • 展覽 • 歷史 • 神的掌權 (下)
The English Bible Part 1
The English Bible Part 2
The English Bible Part 3
「所以你們既除去一切的惡毒、詭詐、並假善、嫉妒、和一切毀謗的話、 就要愛慕那純淨的靈奶、像才生的嬰孩愛慕奶一樣、叫你們因此漸長、以致得救. 」(彼得前書2章1-2節)
《新生命栽培課程》是為初信的基督徒設計的聖經課程,藉著初信者個人查考聖經及由栽培者(聖經導師、團契組長、較成熟的基督徒等) 給予適當引導的形式,幫助初信的基督徒認識和實踐一些基礎聖經真理,從而鞏固信仰和在新生命中開始成長。
Matthew 28:18-20 (ESV): And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
Many Christians find “the Great Commission” (above) compelling. After all, these words come to us from our resurrected Saviour when He was about to ascend into glory. The commission at once thrusts discipleship onto the world stage, backed by His promised presence, and hence His power. So we are rightly inspired by its grandeur, and purpose, and possibilities.
Sadly, passion towards the Commission is not always accompanied by a matching mindfulness towards the instructions that come with it. These instructions were first taught by Jesus, then amplified in every New Testament letter. Yet the followers of Jesus Christ are more prone to let their fired imaginations carry them, than to conscientiously study and follow biblical instructions concerning our Lord’s charge to all disciples to make disciples. John chapter 17 underscores the importance of this.
Jesus Christ prayed a lot: in all sorts of occasions and locations, and habitually before sunrise (Mar 1:35). Interestingly, records of His prayers are mostly pithy snippets; except for John 17 — here, His prayer is recorded in full.
John 17 begs our attention not only because of its unique content, but also because of its position.
The latter half of John’s Gospel transports us into the final intimate hours between Jesus and His disciples. In chapters 13-16, (the famed “Farewell Discourse”), Jesus gave them instructions, insights, and promises that would, first, brace His men for the shock of the cross; and, later, equip them for their life’s work. In chapter 17, He prayed for them in terms of these revelations: in other words, Jesus committed His vision and plan for His disciples to God; then, in chapter 18, He turned resolutely to the cross.
Thus Jesus instructed His disciples, prayed for them in His terms, then gave up His life that His disciples might be given His life and power to live out His teachings.
This column, dubbed Project John 17, is driven by the belief that the Great Commission is not a call to do our own work but to be a servant in His; not a call to realise our own visions, but to be a channel for His. We will work hard to comprehend discipleship and disciple making through John 17, that is, through His vision — according to the terms of His prayer for His disciples — so that we may do God’s work, God’s way.
1 Corinthians 2:2 (ESV) For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.
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